Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Tablescapes (Grown-Up Table)

Hey everyone!

I hope that you are getting ready for some great quality time with your loved ones this holiday season!

This will be (if memory serves) the first year that I've been married that I won't have a bunch of Marines over at my house. Its not easy to be far from home and all alone at the holidays, so our house became a gathering point for those with no place to go. Everything was provided. Except the yams. I don't eat 'em, so I won't make 'em.

Our Thanksgivings have generally been more casual than the traditional dinners you might see in the commercials, but it worked really well for our young crew. In the past, I've broken out all the silverware, glasses and plates I had in order to get everyone fed. It was a beautiful mis-mash of love, but this year, I'm hoping to have things a little more put together.

First things first, I need my coffee. I found the most perfect mug rug, designed by Rockin' Embroidery, and I'll be using it even after Thanksgiving. If you have an embroidery machine and would like to make it, you can buy the design at her Etsy shop here. The stippling effect on the coaster is gorgeous. (PS Stay tuned for a wish list for Black Friday deals!!!)

We tend to eat a big lunch/dinner combo and sit down to enjoy the football game. Sadly this year there will be no PFCs and Lance Corporals to do my dishes. Sad. ;n) Since I won't have to worry about setting the table for lunch, I only have to set the table once. For dinner. This year, I decided to do it with an embroidered Thanksgiving set. I could have made placemats, but I decided to use store bought ones and embroider them with Sulky and Mettler threads from JoAnns. The design is from Nobbie Neez Kids.

Check out the JoAnn craft catalog for more great ideas!

Your JoAnns shopping list for these projects:
- Coupon! (See bottom of today's blog!)

Mug Rug
- Stabilizer
- Desired fabric (only about a 5" x 5" square needed for the 4x4 coaster)
- Threads
- Rockin' Embroidery design

- Stabilizer
- Placemat
- Threads
- Brown and black fabric scraps
- NobbieNeezKids design

Utensil Holder
- Felt
- Stabilizer
- Threads
- NobbieNeezKids design

Stay tuned for the kid's table blog tomorrow!

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